Saturday, July 12, 2014

Writers' Block

Writer’s block is one of the most annoying situations to cross as a writer. I get writers’ block when I’m pushing myself too hard to finish something because in those times I’m not relaxed. When I can’t think of the next word to write, I become irritated.

I become bored.

I go on Facebook.

I look at the latest craft ideas on Pinterest.

I make tea.

I listen to music.

I play with my cat.

I do laundry.

I clean my apartment.

Then, if I’m ready, I’ll come back to what I was working on with fresh eyes. Sometimes it takes longer than what I’m willing to admit for my brain to think of the next words to write. In these instances, I need to get outside. Going outside is my last resort, but maybe it should be at the top of my list. Going outside gets me away from my cellphone and away from my computer. I can clear my head and re-center my thoughts.

I often wonder what happened to the elementary school me that could sit down and just write for hours. Maybe I’ve put too much pressure on myself? Maybe I procrastinate too much now? Overall, I think that I care too much about what people will think about what I have written. I concern myself with what others will think instead of letting my thoughts flow out through my fingers.

I follow one of my favorite fiction authors on Twitter, Sarah Dessen. I’m always amazed at how real of a person she is. I don’t know why, but before Twitter existed I thought she had ideas for books and just wrote the books. As in she could literally sit down and write out a novel in one shot. I know how completely unrealistic this is, especially now that she “tweets” about having distractions and writers’ block on a regular basis, but at the time I just made all my role models “writer gods.”

I suppose it’s those people that find a way to eliminate their distractions and their writers’ block that become successful writers in the first place. 

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